How to Stay physically active during Coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic?

How to Stay physically active during Coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic?

In accordance with the COVID-19 pandemic, life has changed, and you spent too much time watching streaming television or thoughtless work on the Internet? Suddenly he began to work from home, frequent trips to the refrigerator. As a result, our physical condition has changed for the worse. Physical activity can be a problem.

Although it’s more difficult to exercise during a pandemic, it’s more important than ever. Now you are sure that your body and immune system are in shape, because this healthy body is the best protection against COVID-19 infection. We know that this allows you to optimize your health. Exercise is a lifestyle that not only requires physical preparation, but also helps us better understand our diet, improve sleep and helps to better cope with stress. In addition, physical activity can enhance immunity. Thus, physical fitness work is a great place to start.

There are many easy ways to stay within your home. To include traffic in your daily calendar. Depending on what you need for life, you can set aside 30-60 minutes. Strategies are effective technologies for improving your health.

Here are a few strategies to help you increase your fitness level, which doesn’t require equipment or costs money:


Be sure to get up and stand for several minutes, at least once an hour. This simple strategy can neutralize most of the negative effects of sedentary health on your health. Setting a timer on your phone can be a good reminder.


Climbing stairs is a great way to get in shape. Go up and down the stairs until you are wound up and your muscles are tired. Allow a few minutes to recover, then 2-3 times. If we have no steps in our house, then there are local high schools and community colleges.


If you want to safely go outside, take a walk or take a walk in a quiet area of the city. Many popular routes are crowded. If you cannot go outside, go through circles in your home.


Fruits and vegetables are one of the most important products for providing vitamins, minerals, and cellular acid, in which our body needs good health and normal immune function.

We should strive to eat at least 5 servings (approximately 400 g) of fruits and vegetables every day. Fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and juices (maximum 1 serving per day) are considered part.

Different fruits and vegetables contain various combinations of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals; if possible, add a variety of dishes to your daily meal.


Whole grains, unlike refined grains, represent most of the structure of grains that contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. In addition, whole grain is also a factor in making us feel confident.


Fats are an important part of a healthy diet. However, not everyone affects our health equally. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease. We can do this by eating foods such as fatty meats, high-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut oil and added foods like nuts, oily fish, and vegetable oils like olive and rapeseed oil.


Potato chips, chocolate, and sugary drinks, if consumed in large quantities. They should only be in small quantities and consumed from time to time.

In addition to taking nutritional and nutritional supplements, you must also take appropriate precautions to fight against the Covid-19.

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