Want to boost keratin in your body? Read on for keratin Rich foods
Keratin is one of the important proteins that help in strengthening your hairs, nails, and skin. Although there aren’t any foods that are specifically rich in keratin but there are certain kinds of minerals, vitamins, and proteins that can strengthen the production of Keratin in the body, thus helping in improving the structure of the skin and strengthening the growth of nails and hairs.
Although consuming keratin supplements can help in preventing hair loss, and stimulate the growth of nails and improves skin, but there are several nutritious foods that help in the production and regulation of keratin.
Foods rich in Keratin
There are no specific foods that are good sources of keratin; instead, there are various subgroups that can help in fulfilling the keratin requirements of the body.
Protein-rich foods
Protein comprises of amino acids that are essential for the various body functions, one being the production of keratin. Eating rich protein foods like Red meat, chicken, eggs, yogurt, milk, etc can boost the keratin. The protein-rich vegetable includes beans, nuts, and nut butters.
Sulfurous foods
Keratin consists of sulfur-rich amino acids; hence intake of protein-rich foods and vegetables such as eggs, beans, meat, onions, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts can stimulate the production of keratin in the body.
Biotin rich foods
Biotin is essential for the metabolism of amino acids and for strengthening the nails and hairs. The rich sources of biotin include nuts, cauliflower, whole grains, and mushrooms. Boiled eggs yolk is also a good source of biotin.
Vitamin A Rich foods
Vitamin A helps in the synthesis of keratin. So, the foods rich in vitamin A can be a good source of keratin. Fruits such as oranges and vegetables such as sweet potato, raw carrots, pumpkin, and spinach are rich in vitamin A.
Foods rich in vitamin D
Vitamin D is considered to be an important part of increasing keratin production in the body. The good sources of vitamin D are raw milk, mushroom, eggs, and oatmeal.
Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids help in the production of keratin in the body. So, they can be added to the diet if you wish to fortify keratin. Fish products like salmon, tuna, and trout are high in omega 3.
Foods rich in Zinc
Zinc-rich foods are also considered to be good sources of keratin. It will be beneficial if you include them in your diet. Rich sources of zinc are pork, turkey, wheat germ, peanut butter, and chickpeas. Zinc also helps in the growth of the hairs and tissues.
In a nutshell, it can be said that adding keratin boosting foods to your diet can help you to keep your hairs and nails strong. Since, keratin is considered to be a building block of hairs and nails, so consuming foods that increase the production of keratin will prove to be beneficial. Some of the ingredients that can help in boosting hair growth are vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B 12, Minerals, Folic acid, and Biotin. Hence, eating a variety of foods and vegetables can boost the keratin production in your body.