Joe Biden Announces Covid-19 Vaccine Sharing: 6 Million Doses To Countries Including India

On Thursday, The White House unveiled US President Joe Biden’s vaccine sharing plan with the world, including its intent to direct 75% of excess Covid-19 doses through the UN-backed COVAX global vaccine sharing program.

The White House had earlier announced that 80 million vaccine doses will be shared with countries across the globe by the end of June.

The US distributes excess Covid-19 vaccine doses;

  • Approximately 19 million doses will go to COVAX out of the first tranche of 25 million Covid-19 vaccine doses. To date, COVAX has shared only 76 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine with needy countries.
  • Approx. 6 million doses will be allocated to South and Central America.
  • 7 million Covid-19 vaccine doses will be given to Asia and 5 million doses will be given to Africa.
  • The remaining 6 million will be directed by the White House to allies and partners of the United States.
  • These allies of the United States include Mexico, Canada, the Republic of Korea, the West Bank & Gaza, Ukraine, Kosovo, Haiti, Georgia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, and Yemen.

How many Covid-19 vaccine doses will be given to India?

President of the United States, Joe Biden, stated that over 6 million doses will be shared directly with the nations witnessing a surge in Covid-19 cases. However, the exact number of doses allocated to India is not yet clear

We are sharing these doses not to secure favors or extract concessions. We are sharing these vaccines to save lives and to lead the world in bringing an end to the pandemic, with the power of our example and with our values,” said the US President.

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