How to Prepare a Cup of Green Tea For Weight Loss

How to Prepare a Cup of Green Tea for Weight Loss

Best time to drink green tea for weight loss is one of the most searched queries on the internet. Green tea has recently gained huge popularity in the West, and it has long been used in various traditional Chinese medicines to treat several health conditions.

More lately, green tea has been linked to weight loss in humans. Physically active people know how to prepare green tea for weight loss, but physically inactive people may not know the best time to drink green tea for weight loss. This post will walk you through everything you need to know about green tea for weight loss.

Green tea for weight loss

Metabolism is a process that allows our body to convert food and drink into usable energy. Green tea may benefit you by helping you lose weight with the help of efficient metabolism. Green tea contains some amount of caffeine and flavonoid, known as catechin. Catechin is an antioxidant, and research studies suggest that both compounds can speed up the metabolism of your body. Catechin helps break down excess fat in your body, while caffeine increases the amount of energy your body uses.

A review published in 2010 suggested that green tea supplements had a small but positive impact on weight management and weight loss. However, if you want to consume green tea for weight loss, make sure you consume supplements with a high proportion of catechin or caffeine. Make sure you note that any benefits of green tea are likely to be very small.

How to prepare green tea for weight loss?

Preparing green tea for weight loss is very easy. All you have to do is follow the instructions given below:

  1. Take 120-180ml of water in a bowl.
  2. Bring the water to the boiling temperature.
  3. Now pour it back in a cup and dip a green tea bag.
  4. Soak it for 3-4 minutes. Make sure do not soak the tea bag for more than 5 minutes.
  5. You are good to go!

NOTE – You can also add lemon or honey to your cup of green tea. It will enhance the taste and offer more benefits.

Know about the best time to drink green tea for weight loss

The best time to drink green tea for weight loss is in the morning. If you want to consume green tea for weight loss, make sure you drink a cup of green tea before breakfast. Consuming green tea twice a day is very beneficial, and it can offer you many weight loss benefits.

That was all about green tea. We hope this post helped you learn how to prepare green tea for weight loss and the best time to drink green tea for weight loss. Make sure you avoid green tea if you are suffering from any serious health condition. Please consult your doctor to know about the doses of green tea for you. For more related posts, watch this section closely.

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