Eating plant based diet to reduce heart diseases
Do you want to reduce the risk of heart diseases? Recent research says that consuming plant-based foods can boost your heart health. The new study states that eating plant-based and protein-rich diet reduces the risks of heart diseases. Pioneering studies show that plant-based diet combined with a healthy lifestyle, and daily exercise can prevent heart and cardiovascular diseases.
It has been found out that plant-based foods also reduce weight and cholesterol. But it’s not that all the plant-based diet has the same effect when it comes to reducing heart diseases. The diets that have low sulfur amino acids are more effective at minimizing the risk of heart diseases. Sulfur Amino acids play a vital role in metabolism and health. Protein-rich foods such as meat, nuts, soy, and nuts contain a good amount of sulfur amino acids.
The quality of plant foods needs to be focused upon for increased protection. The consumption of plant foods should also be reduced.
What type of plant-based diet you should eat?
The plant-based diets that are related to heart benefits should be given preference. Such food items include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils. One of the best diets is the Mediterranean diet that is rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. It helps in lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol along with reducing the chances of diabetes and controlling weight.
However, along with the plant-based diet, it’s also important to analyze the sources of these foods as well. For instance, you may feel that it’s good to eat white rice, for the reason that it is a plant-based food. But these foods are devoid of the essential nutrients as they are highly processed. Such foods can lead to overeating as they increase the blood sugar level.
What are the other ways of minimizing the risk of heart diseases?
Apart from consuming a healthy plant-based diet, there are several other ways of reducing the risk of cardiometabolic diseases.
- Keep a check on your weight: You should keep a regular check on your weight. Try to keep your body mass index according to the recommended level.
- Do regular workout: It is recommended to do regular moderate-intensity exercise for at least 120 minutes a week.
- Get a regular check-up: It’s not essential that if you have obesity or diabetes, there are more chances of heart diseases. Although, you may look healthy but deep inside there might be something amiss. You should get your regular check-up done including your blood sugar level, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
In a nutshell, it can be said that you don’t have to turn yourself into a vegetarian to get the maximum benefits. Instead, you should focus on consuming the right plants and doing away with unhealthy foodstuff. Initially, you should begin by making small changes in your diet. Focus on minimizing the intake of animal products, potentially minimizing the risks of heart diseases. It’s also a good idea to practice regular exercise, avoid alcohol, and monitor your health on a regular basis.